The Busy Mum’s Exercise Schedule

james baker
3 min readMar 31, 2022

Let’s be honest; keeping up with an exercise routine is a struggle for all mums. After all, being a mum is a difficult task in itself! However, that means you avoid your own needs for your family.

Believe it or not, only a few changes to your lifestyle can help you get fit and healthy.

That’s why in this article, we’ve discussed how busy mums can shed off those pounds through practical approaches.

Workout In the Mornings

Waking up early to work out is an excellent choice for mums, especially if they have a baby who sleeps throughout the night. That’s because it’s the perfect “me time” to take care of yourself. After all, it’s much better than waiting until after work in the evening. That way, you won’t have sudden appointments popping up. No matter how determined you are, commitments are hard to reschedule.

Additionally, you don’t even have to wake up too early. Instead, waking up half an hour or an hour before you usually do is good. This way you can focus on what the day brings.

Moreover, you tend to feel more accomplished and better about yourself throughout the day when you exercise in the morning.

Workout At Least Four Times a Week

As a busy mum, you should work out at least four times a week. That’s because this schedule will help you tone all the important areas of your body.

Remember that you’ll be able to do more if you were more active before your pregnancy. And it’s okay if you can’t bring yourself to do workouts four times a week. Instead, start exercising 2 times a week and work your way up. It’s crucial to listen to your body and act accordingly.

Avoid doing high-intensity workouts because those workouts are challenging for the body. Moreover, doing too many high-intensity workouts can even be harmful to the body!

What Should Your Weekly Routine Look Like

Most people like to work out four times a week. That means two workouts for the upper body and two for the lower body. It’s also important to squeeze breaks in between. So, for example, take a day off after you do a day of upper body to recover muscle soreness.

Stay Fit and Lose Weight with Leanstrongmum

We understand that as a busy mum keeping healthy is difficult.

You’re probably dieting, exercising, and walking, but nothing seems to be working. That’s why we recommend Leanstrongmum!

Leanstrongmum has a leading fitness programme designed for mums everywhere. These programmes are designed by Rachel, who is much more than just a personal trainer for mums.

You can take part in custom workout plans, like hybrid personal training, weight loss programme, drop a dress size programme, and more!

Visit their website to know more.

